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A copy of the Trust’s policy for Absence in Exceptional Circumstances can be found by clicking here.

Attendance Reporting

In order that school may follow national guidelines, we offer you clear guidance on how you should proceed when your children are either absent or late.

All absence from school requires:

1.   A telephone call to the school before 9:15am on the morning of each day’s absence.  By calling every day, we can be sure of your child’s whereabouts and that they are safe.

2.  Upon your child’s return, written and signed confirmation, explaining the absence, preferably using the school ‘Absence Note’.  This is available on the school website or from the school office.

Authorised absences are as follows:

Illness (supported by written confirmation from parent/carer). Please note: If your child has been absent owing to sickness or diarrhoea they must not return to school until they have been clear from either for at least 48 hours.  This is to ensure there is no risk of contagion.
Medical/Dental appointment (prior notice)
Close family funeral (approval in advance)
Day of religious observance (approval in advance)

Please be advised that unexplained absences will be recorded as unauthorised. Unauthorised absences are not in the pupils’ best interest and are viewed negatively on their academic records.

Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances

UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2024 – Please note, there is no longer a provision in law for Headteachers to authorise an absence for the purpose of a term time holiday.  Absences can only be authorised for exceptional circumstances.

Please see the East Riding Website for more information regarding this (click here) and the new updated Absence Request form below.