Year Three

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Welcome to Year 3!

The teachers in Year 3 are Mrs McCallum (3SM) and Miss Platten (Monday to Wednesday) and Mr Pea (Thursday and Friday) while Miss Welbourne is on maternity leave. (3GWCP).  

The Teaching Assistants in Year 3 are Miss Spence, Mrs Harston, Mrs Wilson and  Miss Welburn.  Mrs Lee and Mrs Parkinson teach both classes French and ICT on a Thursday afternoon. 

In the Spring term we have a visitor come to school from the Pre-History era, to support our prehistory topic.  

In addition to this, the children will be learning about Soils, Fossils and Volcanoes and Forces. To get our volcano topic off to an explosive start we have a visitor from Hull University who explodes volcanoes with us on the playground and lets us look at the University’s examples of rocks and fossils.  We also visit Mappleton beach to hunt for fossils.  

In literacy the children will be reading the following books as a class, James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl, Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura and the Iron Man by Ted Hughes. These books underpin the activities and learning the children will do during their literacy lessons such as poems, biographies, creative writing, informative texts and reports. 

The children in Year 3 have PE on Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings. During these lessons the children will be learning lots of new skills and abilities through activities such as Dance, Netball, Cricket, Tennis and Athletics. 

How to support your child at home  

We would like in Year 3 for the children to read a minimum of 3 times a week, it could be a school reading book or a book they are reading at home. The children will be given a list of spellings to practise each week and a set of times tables.  Any homework that is given out will be to support the areas of Literacy, Numeracy or Topic. 

We look forward to working with you and your children this year. 

The Year 3 Team 


Below is an overview of how we plan to cover our topics in the year 2024-2025. Please zoom in for a clearer view.


Year 3 Overview 24-25

Year 3 in the Autumn term focus on Winter Trees. This topic is explored through Art and Literacy lessons ending with a selection of the children reading their poems to parents at a festival afternoon and the displaying of all the children’s Art work.