Out of School Clubs, Events and Childcare

Home » Out of School Clubs, Events and Childcare

Disclaimer: Swanland Primary School does not endorse the following flyers; we are simply sharing the information.

Autumn Term 2024-25

The booking link for our Kids Takeover and Ballers camps can be accessed here: https://booking.firststep-sports.co.uk/dept/27?utm_source=digital&utm_medium=flyer&utm_campaign=october24
The Hessle Academy Opening Evening for current Year 5 and 6 pupils and their parents/carers is being held on Thursday 26 September 2024.
More information can be found here
The evening is set to be an exciting one. We hope that your parents are able to join us for the evening which will include Headteacher talks (held at 5:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm and 6:30pm), a walk around our state of the art facilities, which includes impressive science labs, learning resource centre, technology areas, a vocational workshop, fully equipped leisure centre and much more, providing students with an exceptional learning environments which they enjoy and want to participate in.
Pupils and their parents will also have the opportunity to meet our dedicated staff and students; who are there to answer any questions you may have about subjects, extra-curricular activities and the transition to Secondary school.


Wolfreton Year 6 Open Evening (5:00pm – 8:00pm).   Headteacher talks will take place at 5:15pm, 6:00pm and 6:45pm.

Dyslexia Sparks Coffee Morning (3)

Dyslexia Sparks Craft Session



HOW TO BOOK YOUR PLACE; Simply visit our website; https://www.totalsportslimited.co.uk/book-online/

SPFA poster request for volunteers

PTA Lottery - Super Draw

PTA Lottery - Support our School


Let’s Communicate - Understanding Speech and Language Therapy for children 8.10.24

Fit4Fun Swanland Primary Clubs


2024-25 Kidslingo - Swanland Primary School

Heritage Open Days

HTAE Adult Tailored Learning




Applegarth Childminders

07738 821487  

From September 2017, Alison Page-Millard will be available for wrap-around care from Swanland School on a Thursday and Friday, covering morning and evening sessions.



Families Information Service Hub (FISH)

For up-to-date information on Ofsted registered childminders, day nurseries, pre-schools, out of school clubs and creches contact the East Riding of Yorkshire FISH on 01482 396469.