
Home » Membership

Here you will find all the information you need about the members of our Local Governing Board.

For pen portraits of individual governors, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Current Membership

Full NameDate of AppointmentTerm of OfficeHow Appointed
Mrs Barbara Ramsdale11/07/20244 yearsStaff Governor
Mr Martin Stead01/03/20244 yearsTrust Appointed
Miss Hannah Stephenson01/09/2015until ceases to be Head of SchoolVoting Head of School
Mrs Hannah Stannard15/11/20224 yearsParent Governor
Mrs Suzi Storr (Chair)13/11/20224 yearsTrust Appointed
Mr Chris Wainman (Vice Chair)21/02/20224 yearsTrust Appointed
Mrs Louise Wright03/01/20224 yearsParent Governor
Mrs Kate Van der Sluis29/01/20244 yearsTrust Appointed

Members Resignation

Full NameDate of AppintmentTerm of OfficeDate of ResignationHow Appointed
Mrs E Anderson20/06/20204 years19/06/2024Staff Governor
Mrs S Patrick13/07/20204 yearsStepped down on 28/02/2022 LGB reconstituted to 8Staff Governor
Mrs H Buchan18/03/20214 years05/09/2022Trust Appointed
Mr C Green23/03/20214 years14/11/2022Parent Governor
Mr T Farrow23/03/20194 years28/03/2023Trust Appointed

Area of Responsibility

GovernorDesignated Roles and Responsibilities
Ellie Anderson
(staff governor)
Assigned to Objectives 1, 2 and 2 of the SDP.
Hannah Stannard
(parent governor)
Sports Premium. Assigned to Objectives 2, 3 and 4 of the SDP.
Martin Stead
(trust governor)
To be agreed at the summer term LGB meeting.
Hannah Stephenson
(voting head)
Safeguarding Lead.
Suzi StorrChair of Governors,
Pupil Premium,
Assigned to Objectives 1 and 2 of the SDP.
Head Teacher Reviewer.
Chris Wainman
(trust governor)
Vice Chair,
Safeguarding, Child Protection and Online Safety,
Assigned to Objective 4 of the SDP.
Louise Wright
(parent governor)
SEND Governor,
Assigned to Objective 5 of the SDP.
Kate Van de Sluis
(trust governor)
Assigned to Objective 4 of the SDP.